Saturday, October 7, 2017

Sustainable Saturdays!

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Image Credit: Claire S. at

Hey there everyone, I know it isn't Saturday but I wanted to get a jump on things. I will be sharing one post today about the most efficient lighting and what it can do for you. This is just a little taste so you will all know what to expect on Saturdays from now on. In the meantime please comment below and let me know where you would like to be more sustainable and maybe it will make it into next weeks blog!

If you folks are like me than you hardly ever think about your light bulbs unless one burns out, but by neglcting your lights, you are actually hurting your wallet. If you pay an electric bill then according to 5% of your electricity budget goes just to those light fixtures. It may not seem like a lot but by switching out your old incandescent bulbs for LED (light emitting diodes) or CFL (compact florescent lighting) you can save up to 75$ a year. Now different bulbs sell for different prices, but as long as you're getting one of these two kinds you should be all set. For some assistance with shopping here is a buyers guide that is really informative.

So now you know the two best types of lighting to save you money, but what is the difference between these two? Well the LED lights are excellent at emitting direct and focused light, this makes them really great for reading lamps and spotlight lighting, in case you need to show off some trophies or something like that while also saving money. They cost a bit more than CFL but they can be dimmed whereas the CFL cannot. Speaking of CFLs these little powerhouses are amazing at throwing light across the entire room. They are very cheap, only being a bit more expensive than incandescent, and will last so much longer. The only downside to these lights is that when used outside in cold temperatures they tend to take a few extra seconds to light up. On the good side, both options will fit into almost any light fixture and they work with multi-setting lighting quite well. If that wasn't enough for you all here is a more in depth look at the details of what makes these light bulbs so great for you and the planet. So until next Saturday, enjoy yourselves!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Blowing Away Our Natural Skyscrapers

Image Credit:
Hello there everyone, you must be wondering what this picture of a desert has to do with mountains, well this barren landscape is quite similar to what a mountain range looks like after it has become a victim of mountain top removal mining. This type of mining is incredibly harmful to the planet and the communities nearby.
Let's start with the process itself. It all begins with coal companies going to the top of a mountain and cutting down all of the trees and other vegetation in order to make room for their employees and mining equipment. All of the trees are wasted, being burned rather than given to other companies, nearby towns or even sold. While disposing of the trees, they begin drilling holes into the top and sides of the mountain which they then fill with explosives. Once the area is clear, the top of the mountain is blasted, removing as much as 800 to 1,000 feet off of the mountain at a time. The rubble is stripped of all of the coal and the rest is dumped into nearby valleys leaving these wastelands where mountain peaks once were.
While this practice does alter the very geography and environment of an area, it has much farther reaching consequences. Many animals are displaced by the blasts and the complete removal of their homes. This could potentially wipe out species of plant and animal life that have yet to be discovered. Another byproduct is the contamination and destruction of nearby streams and other water sources. As mentioned earlier, the rubble deemed useless is dumped into valleys that are close by. This often covers up or destroys natural paths for rainfall to collect and provide water for the ecosystem and cities near the mountain. Finally while coal companies like to claim that they are creating jobs and supporting entire communities, this fairly new practice requires very few people to operate the machines required. This leaves many coal miners out of a job with few other employment opportunities available to them.
Before the sadness sets in, let me just say that we can help stop this. By making informed decisions when voting it is possible to show our elected officials that we are against this horrific practice. Until the next big election keep learning and help your fellow humans. Talk to you all soon.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

About Peace of Mind

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Hey there I am Brandon Taylor, a sustainability major currently working on finishing up my bachelors degree at Indiana University South Bend. I wanted to start the blog, Peace of Mind, because when I tell folks about my major, they seem to always wonder how they could possibly have an impact on the world. Well to them and to all of you, you already are making an impact on the world.
Every decision you make, item you purchase and mode of transportation you use either adds or subtracts from the problem. So I would love to help you all learn how to have a more positive impact and along the way I know I will learn quite a lot from the online community, so please send me a message, leave a comment, I would love to hear from everyone.

I came to understand what sustainability is from an introduction class in my second year. Up until then I had absolutely no passions for any career. I would constantly wonder how I could make an impact on the world and help others, then I saw what sustainability is all about. It is about improving the single bottom line of profit and adding to it, making it the Triple bottom Line. The Triple Bottom Line is all about People, Prosperity and Planet. That means that unless the Earth is healthy and the people on it are healthy and happy, then making money doesn't really matter. A great place to begin is at the Natural Step website, they have a lot of information that is well categorized and easy to digest.

I will post again soon with more information, until then I would love to hear what everyone wants to learn about, talk to you all soon.