Saturday, October 7, 2017

Sustainable Saturdays!

Image result for earth sustainability

Image Credit: Claire S. at

Hey there everyone, I know it isn't Saturday but I wanted to get a jump on things. I will be sharing one post today about the most efficient lighting and what it can do for you. This is just a little taste so you will all know what to expect on Saturdays from now on. In the meantime please comment below and let me know where you would like to be more sustainable and maybe it will make it into next weeks blog!

If you folks are like me than you hardly ever think about your light bulbs unless one burns out, but by neglcting your lights, you are actually hurting your wallet. If you pay an electric bill then according to 5% of your electricity budget goes just to those light fixtures. It may not seem like a lot but by switching out your old incandescent bulbs for LED (light emitting diodes) or CFL (compact florescent lighting) you can save up to 75$ a year. Now different bulbs sell for different prices, but as long as you're getting one of these two kinds you should be all set. For some assistance with shopping here is a buyers guide that is really informative.

So now you know the two best types of lighting to save you money, but what is the difference between these two? Well the LED lights are excellent at emitting direct and focused light, this makes them really great for reading lamps and spotlight lighting, in case you need to show off some trophies or something like that while also saving money. They cost a bit more than CFL but they can be dimmed whereas the CFL cannot. Speaking of CFLs these little powerhouses are amazing at throwing light across the entire room. They are very cheap, only being a bit more expensive than incandescent, and will last so much longer. The only downside to these lights is that when used outside in cold temperatures they tend to take a few extra seconds to light up. On the good side, both options will fit into almost any light fixture and they work with multi-setting lighting quite well. If that wasn't enough for you all here is a more in depth look at the details of what makes these light bulbs so great for you and the planet. So until next Saturday, enjoy yourselves!


  1. I definitely need to get some new bulbs! Thanks, Brandon :)

    1. You are so welcome! Let me know if there's anything in particular you'd like me to tackle next :)
